Friday, April 15, 2011

Childlike Faith Part Deux

Once again as I sit here watching my little girl playing in the bathtub The Lord spoke to me about what childlike faith truly is.

Since she was born and for a while to come she only takes a bath when we give her one. She has no notion of being dirty. All she knows is that every night we get in the tub, I wash her up and then she gets to play. She doesn't even know she needs to take a bath.

This is such a sweet picture of our relationship with Jesus. Before we are born again through surrendering to Christ, we have no idea how dirty we really are. When we surrender we do not fully understand faith, all we know is we need to bathe ourselves in Jesus.

It is with this same faith we should approach our daily relationship with Christ. We may not understand why certain things are happening in our lives, but no matter what we should always bathe ourselves in Jesus. I am just thankful we have a savior that allows us to bathe ourselves in Him every minute of every day.

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